It’s not the easiest thing in the world for a new business to obtain the money it needs to help get started. New business loans can be difficult to get unless you have excellent credit and a good plan in place. If you can get approval, you’ll get the proceeds you need for things like working capital, equipment, supplies, machinery, inventory, advertising, or maybe even real estate construction or commercial building rental.
One thing many lenders will expect you to do is determine your personal equity. How much of it will you be able to bring to the table? Lending institutions tend to require that you are able to bring 20% – 40% of the total loan amount you are requesting.
In the 21st century, there are many more options available for start-ups than the traditional loan from a bank. However, before you apply for any type of funding, you must prove that your company qualifies as a small business. Small businesses are usually measured by factors such as number of employees, number of years (under 2) in operation, number of employees, generated income, types of assets and their value, revenue, and so forth. Most traditional lending institutions require that you put of collateral and a guarantee that you will repay.
Your Credit Score and New Business Loans
If your personal credit score is very high, you might want to look into getting a credit card to use towards your business. The line of credit might not be enough to cover everything you need, but it’s a good start. There is no rule that says you have to get all of your funding from one source. There are a variety of microloans for which you might qualify, such as those offered by the SBA and other non-profit organizations. These types of new business loans can be used for the purchase of inventory / supplies, furniture, working capital, etc.
As for alternative start-up business financing options, such as grants and crowdfunding, you’ll want to put more of a focus on our business model as opposed to your credit score. These types of funding are worth looking into if you have poor credit. However, in order to impress crowd-funders, grant organizations, angel investors, etc… , you’re really going to have to come up with a great message and marketing campaign.
Once you get all of your documentation, files, financial records, financial plan, etc. together, you can start checking for new business loans at US Business Funding. This organization has 95% approval rates and offers flexible terms and payment options.
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