January 15, 2025


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How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

Search engines are the traffic resources which give lots of free and targeted traffic to any blog. So, as a blogger you must write SEO friendly articles. Writing SEO friendly articles is not hard. You just add a few things in your article and you will have a good article for search engines. So, the question is how you will write SEO friendly blog posts.

Here are a few tips to be followed:

#1. Write Unique And Original Articles: – First thing you must bear in mind that you have to write unique and original articles. Search engines love unique and original articles. This is first and must SEO tactic to be followed. After that you should put your posts in front of highly targeted audience. It means you don’t make efforts to build untargeted traffic at your blog.

#2. Title Optimization: – Your article title should be attractive and if possible, put your keyword phrases in your titles. But don’t make your title too keyword stuff. Your title should be easy to read.

#3. Article Body Optimization: – First paragraph of your article is very important. Your first paragraph should be attractive as your title. And it will exactly explain what your title is promising. Put your main keyword phrase one time in your first paragraph. After that continue deliver message of the title. Bear in mind your article should be followed by your title.

#4. Keyword Optimizations: – Be careful of the frequency of your keywords. Repeat your main keyword phrase 2 to 3 times, don’t repeat much more. Bear in mind you are writing for both human and search engines. So, write article in natural flow. Your article should be easy to read.

#5. Write For Low Competitive Keywords: – To know what competition your niche has, just type your niche on Google and click search tab. After that see the below of search box, you will see the number of WebPages for that keyword phrase. For an example, just search for ‘make money online’ on Google and see the below portion of search box. You will see ‘make money online’ word phrase has 404,000,000 WebPages on Google. It means if you write for ‘make money online’, you have to beat all 404,000,000 WebPages to get first rank on Google. And it will be very tough for you. So, write for low competitive keyword phrase in order to get higher page rank on Google.

Search engines give tons of free traffic. A lot of bloggers fail in blogging because they don’t try to get traffic from search engines. They don’t write SEO friendly posts. And they don’t get any traffic from search engines and finally they fail in blogging.