In a typical college business program, you will explore many of the fundamentals of the world of finance. There are some great opportunities though to get some hands on experience. One of the best is through the Goldman Sachs summer internship program. You will learn from experts in the industry. You don’t just shadow them, you work beside them!
Make sure you pay close attention to the deadline for the application. It is earlier than many of the other internship programs offered. If you send it in late, your information won’t be reviewed. If you wait too long to start getting it all together, you may be stressed and make mistakes along the way.
Who can Apply?
Individuals enrolled in an accredited business school who will be a junior or senior can apply for a Goldman Sachs summer internship. It doesn’t matter what your particular area of study happens to be as long as it is business related in some capacity. Applicants must be in good standing academically, show community involvement, and show an interest in business.
The application process does take time so don’t drag your feet getting started. You will need to complete all sections of the application to be considered. You also need an extraordinary resume and cover letter to accompany it. Make sure your application isn’t going to get lost in the shuffle because it sounds too similar to others submitted.
This is your opportunity to shine so don’t be shy about sharing your accomplishments. To get a Goldman Sachs summer internship, you need to share your education and work experience. You need to share your skills and your community involvement. They are looking for well-rounded individuals who are inspired and motivated to make a difference in the business world.
The Goldman Sachs summer internship is offered for a period of 10 weeks. Individuals will typically work Monday through Friday for a full shift. The first part of the learning is an orientation and overview of their business operations. Next, you will be assigned to a division where you will meet other people who work there.
You will be assigned various tasks to complete so you can learn first-hand about those aspects of a business. You will have others helping you with work tasks and those you can turn to for questions. Your work will be evaluated so you can understand what you are doing well and what you need to work on with future projects.
The goal is to help your grow your knowledge and skills in various areas of business operations. That growth will occur over the span of your Goldman Sachs summer internship. This is also a prime opportunity for you to explore various aspects of the business world that interest you. Asking questions and getting insider facts and opinions can help you to determine your path.
Future Job Offers
This Goldman Sachs summer internship could be your foot in the door to a great entry level position upon graduation. The company is known for frequently making such job offers to those who show exceptional potential during the summer program. You can also decide to apply with the company in the future for a job opening.
The fact that you were once part of their summer intern program isn’t going to go unnoticed. It can help you to stand apart from other people applying for that same position. Being able to secure a job with such a remarkable company can be a dream come true!
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